Screaming at the top of your voice, flooding your timeline with pictures and running to show off your product on business advert post and communities doesn't really position you as a serious business person.

Let me explain further!

I like to start by giving you a clear picture of what I'm saying. Once I went to an online market and ordered a shoe. Different vendors showed up afterwards with their products and I started searching for what I wanted.

I arrived at a shoe that caught my eyes, but the price wasn't stated. I requested for price, but the vendor seemed far, and I scrolled up. Then I arrived at the same shoe from a different vendor with the price stated. I sent a message to the vendor, but the person wasn't available, so I left my phone number. The next day I returned and found the vendor's number as a response. I called the person who introduced me to the market and also sells there and narrated my experience, and she said, “ it is you that needs the product. If it's important to you, you'll place a call. I don't bother myself calling people, serious customers call me.”

Now, this is where a lot of vendors get it wrong. The mentality that you're doing your customer a favour by selling to them is ridiculous, and you must erase it from your mind. If you don't want to contact customers to sell to them, why display your product in the first place?

Remember, you have to convince and give your potential customers reasons to buy from you and not the person below or above you. Don't think and act as if you're there only option when they're surrounded by many options. People sometimes don't know what they want and if you're able to convince them you'll win them over.

Customers are impatient especially when they have options to choose from. It's either you're available or you lose money. Don't take them through the rigorous process of coming to your DM to find out price when someone else is selling the same thing below, besides the buyer is just meeting you for the first time and don't know you, you're not Gucci. Stop copying the big brand's style, it doesn't always favour small brands.

Again, you never know the power of one customer. Have you wondered the reason you keep referring your friends to your hair stylist, you do that because you're satisfied with their delivery. One satisfied customer will tell other people about you. Why not strive to get at least one customer and please the person, then get another one and another one. Beyond getting a customer is how you treat them. There are tricks for customer retention and I will be sharing that soon.

Just as your preferred telecom service providers are always in front of you, sending you messages about a service that might interest you, likewise you should be in front of your customers. Display your products with price and give them communication options. Would you like me to call you or would you prefer a WhatsApp message, XYZ number is my WhatsApp number, you can also leave your contact and preferred call time? And if they do, don't fail to contact them, it shows seriousness.

Lastly, always communicate your business policy. A lot of vendors have had bad experience with customers on account of this. If you deliver after payment is confirmed, or your customers pay for delivery, or you include delivery fee to total cost, or you don't accept refund after delivery, inform your customer before transaction begins. Don't assume they know, tell them and if it's an old customer remind them.

I believe this tips will help you talk less and sell more.

By Onyinyechi Ezulofor

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