Man with dreadlocks and tattoos just got ordained as a priest in the catholic US church

Just in yesterday, a man was recently ordained abroad even due to the fact he had dreadlocks and tattoos on his hand.

This made everyone confused why this man was ordained as a Catholic priest. Reports have been found that this man is known as a black american and he has just been ordained as a priest in the Us
In the social world, people say isn't it an abomination to ordained a dreadlock person then to go extreme a tattoo as a priest?
This made some people furious and think christainity is been biased.
But honestly, a glimpse or should I say a comment from the Facebook world, caught my attention which is God doesn't look at the physical body but the heart could this be true? I thought
To clearify my burdened mind, I continue searching round the comment section when I saw that the man dreadlocks could be natural.
Apart from the dreadlock, the tattoo he got, it could be he had that tattoo before he gave his life to christ.
Or don't Jesus forgives anyone who comes to him for repentance?.
This made me shocked and like wow and it could be true.
Because for one to become an ordained priest in catholic, they would have been tested and pass through several things, lessons, practices, etc before they would be ordained

What's your view about this
Should the priest be judged?
Does the man having dreadlocks and tattoos deserves a place in the priesthood of catholic.

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